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A Widening Field Coaching - mel shearsmith.jpg
image from Milk Teeth, Julie Morstad

contracting for deep care: for you, for me 

I offer this space as sacred, to all of your wild,

small, fierce, tender, roaring pain, your joys and confusion.

Abundantly accepted and celebrated. 


Your perfect, my perfect is in all the glorious mess of complexity

and in the silence, in the not known

and in the broken, healing, finding, holding places between. ​


I promise to be more of me. ​


I offer the grace of this space to welcome in more of you. 


That we hold our side with tender courage to make a deeper whole. 


To meet and be met in all small, wide, heaving, weeping,

crawling, growing, failing, trying, flying, dancing places

we walk through together. 


That this space and time is precious, I honour this for you

and for myself too.


It is my responsibility to hold and honour the sacredness of our space, this is mine to do. 


I ask that you hold our space together from your side

with the same precious responsibility. 


I ask that this space is private and where utter confidentiality

(for all time and space) is promised. 


Together we build a mountain of respect and appreciation

shaped by our differences and our sameness. 


That interruption of any kind is a foul fiend

that we take care to remove from our time together

unless brought in as a potential event on the horizon

and agreed, together. 

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