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I’ve not included the full names of some of the wonderful humans I’ve worked with to respect their privacy.

Saralyn H.
"Unlike other spaces, this space with Mel has inspired my inner voice to be clearer. A space where I have easier access to the clarity within me. It has felt empowering and has offered me time to think independent of all the noise.
What made it unique and powerful for me is the space you held that continually directed my thinking back into my own intelligence. Our sessions helped me connect with my unique agency, courage, pace and insights of who I am, because it created the space for me to tap into this; for me to see the the intelligence I seek is within me. I am more in tune with my Self."

Emma LV.
"Mel has a really inspiring, and very unique ability to be absolutely, and totally present with someone, and to immerse herself in their thinking, and to simultaneously be completely clear about her own role, boundaries and needs. You also are deeply - perceptive doesn’t quite sum it up, I just think you have this real ability to truly “see” people, and to find and nurture tendrils of connection. I also really appreciated your absolute and total honesty and your openness of heart and spirit.
I have never really had a space where not only am I told that “you matter” but that this is honoured by really and truly being present but also by just giving me time, and space, to finish my thoughts. And I think in realising how beautiful that is, I have been so much more assertive in asking for it in other spaces and also trying to give it to others.
Mel is such a beautiful, insightful, attentive coach. She is able to be so fully present, and she creates the most trusting, peaceful, welcoming space, a space where you can feel truly valued and appreciated but also gently and warmly challenged. I have carried her coaching with me since our sessions finished and I credit her with so many new insights into my thinking, and my deeper self. The space she creates is an oasis away from the pressures of the rest of the world, where you can fully be, wherever and whoever you need to be."

Rebecca B.
"Working with Mel was a real breakthrough for me. Her coaching sessions came at the perfect time in my life and laid some very important foundations in my thinking patterns which has since played a pivotal role in my personal and professional life. Mel created a wonderfully nurturing space which encouraged my sense of agency, and inspired me to reconnect to the inner-strength I felt I’d lost somewhere along the way. Mel’s ability to tune into my sense of self was very calming and I felt validated and understood. She challenged my thinking in ways that gave me the chance to work through freeing myself from the assumptions and limiting beliefs. I had a very powerful and ultimately life changing experience with Mel and I’m very grateful for the time she spent with me."

Harry J.
"Mel's coaching allowed me the space and care, to think and feel my way through some deep questions. She has a sensitivity and lightness of spirit that I found easy to trust, and created a safe space for things that I'd been struggling to think through. I particularly appreciated the deep care and attention that she brought, and her guidance through issues around the climate crisis, and my place in connection with the world.
Her coaching made a big difference to me, and I still feel a thread of that now months later. I feel that it has shifted the way I think in big and small ways, and helped me be more authentically myself."

Carol L.
"I hadn’t expected to go so deep into myself. Mel is a powerfully engaged listener, she is supportive and encouraging. I found receiving attention both uplifting and validating, and Mel’s attention to detail in her appreciation has given me invaluable support and encouragement. Her insights have helped me to reflect and develop a deeper understanding of the way I work. The experience has been life-affirming, thank you."

Claudia C.
"I learnt that having the space to reflect and listen to my inner voice is as important as my artistic practice, setting this time aside is paramount. I learnt that my ideas need listening space and time to grow, the coaching experience defiantly created space for my creative work, here scrambled ideas and thoughts came alive.
The coaching exceeded my expectations and I feel that with this listening space I have been able to gain insights into my creative practice, and develop and embrace my creative voice. Since the coaching my field has most certainly widened - I have been able to realise my dreams and actually do all the things that had previously just been seeds, coaching with Mel helped me water that field and know which seeds to sing to."

David S.
"Mel is clear and insightful. Her guidance has allowed me to develop a clear path for my creative process, exploring where I am now and where I want to go. Change can be challenging, but the process has always felt safe. It was a hugely valuable experience, for which I will be forever grateful."

Arilda T.
"The coaching helped me to understand the values that are important to me and the qualities that I value in others. Also how I can use this to help me reframe how I want to communicate more effectively with colleagues and be aware of negative and self-conscious thoughts and how to change them.
I’ve learnt that I don’t lack self-confidence.
I have a choice about how I respond to something.
Thank you for creating such a safe and welcoming space to think and share my private thoughts."

Rebecca H.
"During our work together, something profound happened, a shift that enabled me to comprehend the value of the work I do with clients. This process also included acknowledging and understanding my value as a coach, as a human and the potential as a business owner. To know what drives me gives me focus to drive my business forward successfully.
If you have any doubts about your next professional steps you need this woman on your team. She doesn't let you get away with much but she handles this with elegance and grace. She will bring you wisdom and her authentic self as she holds the mirror up to you in your transition."

Pat J.
"When Mel says that she will 'bring her fierce' she isn’t exaggerating. She is like a shaft of light that focuses directly on the task at hand in the most creative and inspiring way. I have produced work that would not have existed if it were not for Mel’s unfailing support. A session with Mel is like a shot of adrenaline and I walk away feeling that anything is possible."
“I want there to be a place in the world where people can engage in one another’s differences in a way that is redemptive, full of
hope and possibility.”
bell hooks