photo credit: Elise Hurcombe
this is my call for a quiet revolution...
this is a call to the fierce, the tender, the quiet ones.
this is my call for a tender revolution.
this is my call to grow a tribe of independent thinkers and tender change-makers, to initiate change, do things differently, to be the change and to live generously, invested deeply in how we invest in the present and shape the future world.
to live responsibly, with agency and self-directed accountability in all your choices and contributions in and to the world.
to honour and hold the complex, the messy and overwhelming feelings related to the extreme changes that we are experiencing environmentally, socially and ethically.
If each of us is a key that can serve the changes desperately required to repair our planet, the planet that touches you, I want to ask you -
“How would you live if you were exactly what was needed to heal the world?”